Juggling Jetlags with Jumping Jacks: The Fitness-Minded Traveler Mantra

Throughout my work life, I’ve been lucky enough to travel all over the world. But here’s the thing – just because I’m on the road doesn’t mean my fitness routine has to take a backseat.

To keep my “gains” intact, hitting up local gyms and finding running routes became part of my travel plans. Not to mention, man’s gotta eat, right? So, hunting down grocery stores and places to grab ready-to-go healthy meals was also top of the to-do list. I mean, procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday, isn’t it?

Then it hit me one day, there’s something quite invigorating about being even a little bit active while on vacation. Sure, chilling out and knocking back icy cold beers has its perks, but it kind of disrupts the mojo when you get back home. I found that staying active during travels left me feeling renewed and eager to return. After each escape, I came back, energized and ready to dive back into my routine, as opposed to starting from scratch

FMT Discipline

Opting to be a fitness-minded traveler removes the dread of returning home heavier or trying to regain the motivation to return to the gym.

Discipline, in actuality, paves the way for freedom. Once you embrace this lifestyle for a couple of trips, it becomes second nature. You sidestep the struggle of reigniting your motivational flame every time you get back home.

Does this mean you’ll be tied to a strict regime on your business trip or vacation? Absolutely not! It’s about not straying too far off the path, to the point of no return. It’s something like a budget – it’s not about restricting you, but giving you an idea of how much you can splurge without going under.

Becoming a fitness-minded traveler means you won’t need to yo-yo your year away in fitness oblivion. It saves you from a whirlwind year of inconsistent fitness and diet habits. Instead, you progress steadily towards your goals, trip after trip.

3 Phases

The biggest pickle you might be in right now is how to kick-start this fitness traveling journey. Put on your seatbelt because we’re diving into the three phases of the FMT express – Pre, Intra, and Post, which all start zooming when you mark the date of your upcoming trip.

Pre Phase

The Pre Phase is the playfield of your inner James Bond. You do a bit of undercover work in the area where you’ll be jetting off to. This means making good use of Google and scouting everything from whether your hotel has a gym to whether the Airbnb you’ve booked comes equipped with weightlifting cats (just joking…kinda).

Next step is digging into the locality for your usual fitness activities. Is there a gym around or perhaps a runners’ park? Heck, lack of your usuals might even pave the way for you to try out new things like a yoga class or hiking.

And obviously, all this reconnaissance isn’t just so you can have a pleasant surprise when you stumble upon a familiar gym chain, but to also check what kind of nutri-food will be winking at you from nearby. Is there a healthy food supermarket or will good ol’ Walmart have to do? Will you be a Masterchef or will you need outlets serving up ready meals?

Intra Phase

Suddenly we’re at the Intra Phase. Here’s where you need to put your sneakers to use within the first 24 hours of arriving. It’s like passing a baton, reminding you that even though you’re away, keeping your fitness and nutrition on track is essential. Plus, staying on track becomes easier once you’ve broken the ice.

The goal here is to consciously include activities every day. Break into a 10-minute stroll or squeeze in a quick set of push-ups before your meeting, to remind your mind and body where their loyalties lie. Remember, postures are contagious; sit around all day and soon your body will get used to it.

Now, gobble mindfully. You’re away from home, so the temptation to inhale a pizza or drown in beers without the guilt might be strong. This can lead to bloating, hangovers and the ultimate nemesis – laziness deterring your fitness goals. You down that glazed donut once and your mind plant seeds for the second, third and fourth.

The third part of the Intra Phase is where you have a little pep talk with yourself. Reflect on why it’s important to carry on with these habits, even when you’re just lounging around with the family or working long hours on a business trip. If you truly value fitness, you’ll put the effort into progressing.

Post Phase

Now we’re at the best part, the Post Phase. This is when you strut out of the airport, knowing you haven’t lost progress, you haven’t ballooned and you don’t have to draft a new fitness plan. Take a moment to applaud yourself, analyze your action plan, and note down what could have been better.

Maybe you didn’t do enough gym scouting before the trip and ended up finding them closed or too expensive. Maybe the plan of cooking on your vacation was too ambitious considering your tight schedule. Recollect everything to prepare yourself better for the next expedition.

Take time to consider what worked and what didn’t. Was the hotel gym a total bummer? Then you know you need a local gym next time. Neglected the 24-hour activity advice and took a couple days to warm up? Now you know better. Write down these pointers and they’ll serve as a roadmap for your next fitness-minded adventure.

Dont Be Afraid…On Your Next Trip, Try It Out

So there you have it, everything I’ve blabbed on about above helps untangle the mess when you’re thousands of miles away from your comfort zone. The sooner you get into a fitinish groove, the less likely you are to tumble down junk food mountain. Having all this intel arms you with an upgrade to make smarter decisions on the trip, nudging you closer to being the ultimate warrior – a fitness-minded traveler.


In this fitness manifesto for the traveling soul, we delved into how you can remain committed to your fitness goals even when on the move. Just because you’re away from your regular gym or home kitchen, doesn’t mean your health and fitness have to take a vacation too.

Our voyage commenced at the very thought of an upcoming trip, where we dished out advice on how to turn your pre-travel preparation into an exciting reconnaissance mission. From scoping out potential gyms to hunting down healthy eats, this phase is all about shaping your travel agenda to include fitness-friendly options.

Next, we arrived at the significant ‘Intra Phase’ or the in-the-moment phase, where we emphasized kick-starting your fitness itinerary within the first 24 hours of arrival. We discussed the importance of consistent daily activity, mindful eating habits, and preserving your resolve to stay fit, even among the tantalizing temptations of vacation mode.

Lastly, we touched down at the ‘Post Phase’, the sweet aftermath of a trip well-balanced between enjoyment and health. Here, self-reflection is key in identifying what worked, what didn’t, and what could be improved in your approach to fit-traveling.

In a nutshell, this guide serves as a roadmap, aiding you to navigate your travel journey without derailing from your fitness track. With a little discipline and a whole lot of motivation, you can successfully transform into a fitness nomad, making gains around the globe, one trip at a time.